

Our clients require efficient and cost-effective advice to solve day-to-day workplace issues while keeping their long-term business strategies in mind. With our extensive experience advising employers on all issues arising in a unionized environment, we are able to offer practical solutions that are specific to our clients’ businesses.

We regularly represent employers before arbitration boards and labour relations boards, including the BC Labour Relations Board and the Canada Industrial Relations Board. We provide employers with relevant, strategic, and tactical advice that is consistent with their business objectives.


  • Unionization/certification drives
  • Union avoidance
  • Unfair labour practice complaints
  • Collective bargaining and strategy
  • Labour dispute contingency planning and strike/lock-out preparation
  • Essential services planning
  • Collective agreement administration and interpretation
  • Performance management, discipline, and discharge issues
  • Grievance arbitration
  • Provincial and federal labour relations board applications
  • Strike and picketing injunctions
  • Labour issues in mergers, acquisitions, and restructuring
  • Successorship and common employer issues
  • Statutory reviews and appeals of arbitration decisions
  • Judicial review of statutory tribunal decisions
  • Management training seminars
  • Absenteeism issues and attendance management
  • Workplace investigations
  • Workplace bullying and harassment claims
  • Policy development and implementation
Roper Greyell consistently delivers exceptional, client-focused service and provides our team with ongoing value-added, strategic legal advice.
Jeff Marwick, Team Lead, Employee Relations | BC Hydro

Meet our talented group of lawyers
who are leaders in Labour Law.