Registration for all events is limited due to space available.
You will receive confirmation of your registration by email.
Payment of the $50.00 connection fee is due at time of registration.
Registered participants will receive the link and log-in information by email.
Cancellations received at least 7 days prior to the webinar will result in a full refund. If you are unable to attend, and do not notify us at least 7 days in advance, a refund will not be issued.
Payment of the $50.00 attendance fee, per person, is due at the time of registration.
No refunds will be processed if you cancel your reservation less than 7 days prior to the event, due to our commitments to our vendors.
We reserve the right to limit the number of attendees from each organization.
Payment of the $350.00 workshop fee, per person, is due at time of registration.
Cancellations received at least 7 days prior to the workshop will result in a full refund. If you are unable to attend, and do not notify us at least 7 days in advance, a refund will not be issued.