Drew is a partner* at Roper Greyell where he provides strategic and practical advice to employers on labour, employment, and human rights issues in the workplace. Drew’s advice is rooted in his thorough understanding of his clients’ business objectives – an understanding that he reaches through collaboration, by asking the right questions, and with a keen awareness of his clients’ company culture and guiding principles.
Drew has a passion for learning about his clients’ businesses and uses this knowledge and his solutions-oriented style to help clients navigate complex workplace legal issues. His proactive approach has made him a trusted partner and advisor to the management teams of a broad spectrum of businesses in Canada. Drew works collaboratively with his clients to resolve performance management issues and workplace conflict. He is also frequently engaged for workplace policy development, and has particular expertise drafting and implementing drug and alcohol policies.
Drew is known for his ability to relate to his clients while providing exceptional advice
Drew is a seasoned and resourceful litigator. He frequently acts as counsel to employers in arbitration proceedings and before the Labour Relations Board, the courts, and a wide variety of tribunals and administrative bodies including the Human Rights Tribunal, Employment Standards Branch, and Workers Compensation Board. He also represents senior executives in wrongful dismissal actions.
Drew was drawn to labour relations and collective bargaining early in his career as a result of his father’s work in human resources. Drew is equally skilled in negotiation and litigation and has developed a robust set of legal tools that allow him to pursue the right course of action for his clients.
Drew is an avid sports and outdoor enthusiast. He particularly enjoys the camaraderie of his hockey team and exploring remote corners of BC under the pretense of trying to catch fish.
*Law corporation
B.Comm., Industrial Relations Management, University of British Columbia
J.D., Dalhousie Law School
Year of call
British Columbia, 2006
Northwest Territories, 2017
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Membership / Affiliations
Canadian Bar Association
Canadian Association of Counsel to Employers (CACE)
Chartered Professionals in Human Resources of British Columbia and Yukon (CPHR BC & YK)
Listings / Rankings
Canadian Legal Lexpert® Directory 2020-2021, “Leading Lawyer to Watch – Employment Law”