Resources: Labour

  • Good Accommodation Gone Wrong

    July 10, 2024

    by Julia Bell

    In United Nurses of Alberta v. Alberta Health Services (MacKinnon Grievance), [2023] A.G.A.A. No. 10 (Asbell), the majority of an arbitration board awarded $10,000 in injury to dignity (human rights) damages for an employer’s failure to consistently and proactively accommodate a neurodivergent employee.

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  • Collective Bargaining for Managers – An Alternate Universe?

    July 5, 2024

    by Thomas A. Roper K.C.

    On April 19, 2024 the Supreme Court of Canada published its decision in Société des casinos du Québec inc. v. Association des cadres de la Société des casinos du Québec 2024 SCC 13, As far as I can tell, it did not get much fanfare in labour relations circles.

    Although the case arose in Quebec under the Quebec Labour Code, CQLR, c. C-27 the court’s reasoning will apply to provincial labour legislation across the country and to the Canada Labour Code.

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  • BC Court of Appeal Confirms Canada Labour Code Termination Clause is Enforceable

    July 2, 2024

    by Christopher Munroe

    In welcome news for employers, the B.C. Court of Appeal in Egan v. Harbour Air Seaplanes LLP, 2024 BCCA 222, has confirmed that a termination clause that incorporates the requirements of the Canada Labour Code by reference is enforceable and sufficient to displace the common law presumption of reasonable notice.  In doing so, the Court commented on conflicting decisions in other provinces and restated important principles of employment contract interpretation.  This case is important for employers in British Columbia and for federally-regulated employers in all provinces because the common law presumption of reasonable notice usually results in severance awards that far exceed the minimum notice and severance obligations under applicable employment standards legislation.

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  • Amendment to BC Labour Relations Code Increases Risks for Supply Chain and Businesses in BC During Federal Work Stoppages

    April 29, 2024

    by Andrew Nicholl

    Under the unassuming title – Bill 9, Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 2024 – the BC government has introduced a set of small but significant changes (the “Amendment”) to the BC Labour Relations Code (the “Code”). Specifically, it has amended the definition of “strike” and “person” under the Code so that, as explained in the information bulletin published on March 11, 2024.

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  • Jurisdictional Issues in Maritime Employment Law

    by Taylor Topliss

    The Federal Court of Canada’s recent decision in Konteft v. Lower Lakes Towing Ltd., 2024 FC 96 (CanLII) confirms that maritime employment law requires careful consideration of jurisdictional issues.

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  • Watch Your Back: Employee Ordered to Pay $112,320 in Damages for Soliciting His Employer’s Client

    February 2, 2024

    by Teodora Bardas

    In Catch Engineering Partnership v. Mai, 2023 ABKB 279, the Alberta Court of King’s Bench awarded $112,320 in damages against a former employee who breached the non-solicitation provisions in his employment agreement.

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  • Update on Five Paid Sick Days Under Employment Standards Act

    January 26, 2022

    by Michael R. Kilgallin

    The New Year brought employers in British Columbia a requirement to provide their employees with five paid sick (illness or injury) days. Since the requirement came into effect on January 1, 2022, we have been fielding questions about the implementation of the five paid sick days in the workplace. Below we highlight some of our more frequently asked questions.

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  • Arbitrators Consider Vaccination Policies

    December 7, 2021

    by Kate DueckChristopher Munroe

    In the past few weeks, arbitrators have begun to issue decisions considering the reasonableness of COVID-19 vaccination policies in unionized workplaces. The following three decisions out of Ontario provide some key takeaways for employers.

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  • ESA: Five Days Paid Personal Illness or Injury (Sick) Leave, as of January 1, 2022

    November 25, 2021

    by Michael R. Kilgallin

    On May 28, 2021 we issued an update regarding Bill 13 Employment Standards Amendment Act (No. 2), 2021 (“Bill 13”), which amended the British Columbia Employment Standards Act (the “ESA”).  Bill 13 added temporary paid COVID leave (ending December 31, 2021) and added paid leave for personal illness or injury commencing January 1, 2022 (“Paid Sick Leave”), with the amount of days to be determined.

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  • Vaccination Status and the “New Normal”

    August 13, 2021

    by Drew DemerseChristopher Munroe

    As governments and businesses seek to avoid closures that have so heavily impacted the economy and everyday life, many are looking to vaccine passports and/or considering mandatory vaccination in the workplace to facilitate a return to “normal” operations.

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